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Law Firm Website Design

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Learn Why Your Law Firm’s Website Design Is So Important

No matter how accomplished you are as an attorney, it won’t do you any good unless your potential clients know about it.

That’s why a well-designed law firm website is so important: it communicates who you are, what your legal services provide, and what makes you the best choice to your target market.

eProphet Media has helped dozens of attorneys and law firms design and develop a website that communicates exactly what they need to grow their client list and practice.

Let us highlight what aspects of design your law firm website needs.

Your Website is an Extension of Your Law Firm

A well-designed law firm website is about more than just listing your location and contact information online.

Rather, it’s about using a powerful marketing tool to accomplish these objectives:

• Attract your ideal clients

• Enhance your brand

• Build credibility

• Help achieve your law practice’s goals

In other words, it’s an extension of your law firm that directly connects you with the potential clients you’re looking for.

Many people may not even understand the difference between a real estate lawyer and a personal injury lawyer, nor do they know what makes one law firm better than the other. This is where a well-designed website comes in.

When your website has been properly developed, it will:

• Quickly and effectively communicate what you do

• Highlight the full value you provide

• Convey why you’re the best choice to potential clients

It can also save you time and energy by diverting away the wrong type of people in search of other legal services not related to your practice.

Knowing how important your law firm’s website is, let’s take a look at how design features come together to make the impact you’re looking for.


Improve Your Law Firm’s Brand Awareness

You’re more than an attorney; you’re a brand. This is true of all law practices, whether they know it or not.

Whether it’s your logo, colors, messaging, tone of voice–all of these aspects of your law firm come together to create a recognizable identity that can encourage leads to contact you–or motivate them to look elsewhere, depending on how you communicate.

A major goal of brand awareness is to create familiarity within your market. Since we all tend to trust someone we know, brand development can be used on your website to build relationships with both potential clients and your community in general.

The branding on your law firm’s website can have an enormous impact on how your market perceives you, what you do, and why you do it.

All of this can improve awareness of your brand with potential clients, encouraging them to trust you with their legal needs.

To improve your brand awareness, your website should embody these branding attributes:

Visual identity

Your website’s visual design elements should all come together and complement one another. Whether you want a visual identity that’s established or cutting-edge, local or national, the goal is to create a consistent, cohesive brand image that is recognizable and builds trust within your market.

Professional appearance

Visitors to your website will partially judge your law practice based on how professional everything looks, regardless of your credentials, history, or number of cases you’ve won. That’s why it needs a high-quality design that is displayed correctly on all devices.

The right first impression

A skeptical lead will leave your website if it doesn’t immediately establish you as a helpful authority in your field. To do this, you need a clean, user-friendly interface that helps visitors easily find what they’re looking for. You also need the right words and content to elevate your offering.


Build Your Law Firm’s Credibility

Once your branding is consistent with who you are, what your firm does, and who you serve, you need to use your website to build your brand’s credibility.

Since a recent survey showed that the internet is the preferred resource for people looking for information on their legal problems, having a credible law firm website is essential to bring in new leads.

Afterall, your website is likely the first point of contact for potential clients. This is true for people who visit your website from search engines like Google, or when someone refers a friend to you.

In either case, your web site needs to build your credibility to provide a first impression that promotes trust in your legal services over your competition.

To use your website to establish credibility, make sure to include these design aspects: 

Keep it simple

Clear, concise content gets read by visitors. That means the design of your website should focus on what you want the visitor to know to encourage them to trust you enough to contact you.

Showcase your accomplishments

By using your website to show client testimonials, case studies, success stories, and attorney profiles, you can highlight why you should be trusted and what your firm has already accomplished for other clients.

Include accurate information

When you provide up-to-date, accurate information about your services and legal news, you are showing potential clients that you take your practice seriously. This demonstrates your firm’s ongoing commitment to clients, transparency and professionalism, all of which builds trust with your visitors.


Attract Ideal Clients In Your Market

You’re not just looking for more leads–you’re looking for qualified leads. In other words, people ready to hire an attorney who are in need of your specific legal services.

But as mentioned earlier, most people don’t know the difference between a real estate lawyer and a personal injury lawyer. That means you need to have a website that’s designed to attract the right type of lead that you want to represent.

You can design your website to help you do this. It should reflect what you do, how you do it, and your experience helping others in your specific areas of practice.

The most important design aspects that help attract your ideal client include:

Targeted content

Having carefully chosen content that addresses the specific concerns and needs of your target audience will attract the right type of client to your site. Once there, this content will encourage them to contact you for your attorney services.

User experience

Having a seamless, intuitive design makes your legal services stand out to visitors. This includes providing the information they need in a clear, helpful way to improve user satisfaction.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Once you have the right leads on your website, you can use strategically placed calls-to-action that guide visitors towards taking the step you want them to take, whether that means calling you, filling out a contact form, or scheduling a consultation.

Law Firm Goals

Whatever goals your firm wants to accomplish, you can design your website to help you achieve them.

Afterall, there’s more to a law firm website than simply telling potential clients your name, location, and phone number. Rather, a well-designed law firm website can accomplish specific goals such as:

Qualified lead generation

When your attorney website combines the right design elements with carefully chosen content strategies, it can be used to convert visitors into qualified leads and increase your client base.

Brand development and positioning

Through thoughtful design and content, many practices have set themselves apart from competitors by using their websites and digital presence to position themselves as a leader in their area of law.

Client retention

Some practice areas aren’t just looking for more leads; they want the right client that will keep coming back to them for their legal services. By establishing your authority while providing valuable resources and easy access to your services, your website can enhance client satisfaction and loyalty.

On top of these broad goals, you can also use your website to filter out the people you’re not looking for. You can do this by clearly defining who you are and what you do, which will save you time and energy by weeding out leads who only ask questions about legal services you don’t actually provide.

Proven Help With Your Law Firm’s Website Design

Now that you know the most important design factors for your website, how are you going to use them to grow your practice?

Some attorneys don’t know where to start. Others have been burned in the past after spending thousands of dollars on their website without seeing any real results.

Fortunately, eProphet Media has already helped lawyers like you get the correct website design that consistently attracts the exact clients they’re looking for.

For over 15 years, we’ve helped everyone from solo practitioners to large law firms grow their client list thanks to our professionally designed websites.

Since we understand the entire lawyer marketing process, we know what how make all of the above factors work together to attract the right clients, build your authority in your practice area, and further enhance your law firm’s brand.

Our websites utilize the latest digital marketing tools, practices, and features to help them rank at the top of search engines for the specific legal services in your market.

Most importantly, we design and develop websites that attract the lowest cost per lead for an ROI that continues to improve with time.

Are you ready to attract more qualified leads?

Then reach out for a no-cost consultation today.

Call us at 248-923-4590

Email us at [email protected]

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