Law Firm PPC: Google Ads for Lawyers

Paid Ads: Pros and Cons

Learn the right and wrong ways to use search engine marketing (SEM) and pay per click (PPC).

You don’t always get what you pay for when it comes to search engine marketing (SEM) and pay per click (PPC). If you know what you’re doing, then paid search ads can dovetail nicely with your total digital marketing strategy. Otherwise, SEM and PPC can quickly blow your budget, without new case leads to show for it.

10 Pros of SEM Paid Ads

1. Instant visibility.

If you run a paid ad, then you’ll be instantly visible in your market. People will immediately see what services you offer in the city you serve, or anything else you want to target.

2. Instant results.

As soon as you run your ad, you’ll get impressions. Impressions are the number of people who see your ad. You’ll also get immediate clicks, which may turn into leads after people click through the ad.

3. Complete control.

You can stop and start paid ad campaigns whenever you want. If a certain ad group is bringing in more revenue, then you can adjust your campaign midstream. It’s much easier to start, stop and pause paid ads than it is to control organic search. Organic search can be more cumbersome and take more time to tweak to get results.

4. Instant brand awareness.

The second your ads go live in your market, people will see you and know you are there. You can also run ads in other markets to target new areas. That can mean a different physical location or a different service offering. This guaranteed visibility builds brand awareness. And if people see your ad but don’t click on it, then you don’t have to pay for that impression. So, you still get the brand awareness and impressions, without the cost.

5. Retargeting and remarketing.

Retargeting lets you target ads to people based on their previous internet actions. For instance, if someone visits your website, you can then show them an ad on Facebook or Google. This helps you stay top of mind. By remarketing a paid ad, you know people who have shown an interest in your services can see you again. Repetition reinforces preference.

6. Conquesting.

If people are searching for your competitors by name, then you can run a campaign to display an ad for your own law firm. Or, let’s say your competitor is in City A, but your law firm is in neighboring City B. If someone is searching by location in City A, then you can show those searchers an ad for your own services. This is an easy way to show up and take away market share from competitors.

7. Testing new markets.

Maybe you don’t have much of a presence in the next city over. You can run a test to try to draw more traffic and customers from that city. Running ads can increase your visibility and bring new people your way. The same goes for increasing visibility in a practice area that may be underperforming. For instance, if your normal case load is estate planning, but you want to do more family law, then you can run family law ads and immediately gain traction.

8. Trackable metrics.

Paid ad campaigns let you quickly see which ads are bringing in the most leads. You can check which ones are displaying the most often and getting the most impressions. You can look at which keywords are getting the most clicks, and what combination is leading to the most phone calls.

9. Mega visibility.

When you combine PPC or SEM with an organic search campaign, your visibility can go through the roof. You could appear in the paid ad at the top of the search engine results page (SERP), as well as in the map and the organic search results under the map. This boosts credibility and brand awareness. By taking up more SERP real estate, you can capture more clicks.

10. Filling in gaps.

Paid ads can help compensate for where organic search lacks. If you’re not visible for a certain city or practice area, then you can run ads until you are visible and then you’ll get leads.

10 Cons of Pay Per Click (PPC)

1. Costly.

The biggest drawback of PPC is it can be expensive, especially for attorneys. This is because PPC is a bid system. If your competitors are willing to dig deeper into their pocketbooks, then they can outbid you. And when more people are bidding on specific keywords, that increases the cost per click.

2. Price goes up over time.

The very nature of a bidding war drives up the price of PPC over time. So, what $100 got you in year one might not get you as much in year two. The more competitive the keyword, the faster the price goes up.

3. Budget-dependent.

When your budget runs out, your campaign ends. So, if you didn’t anticipate the popularity of a certain keyword, then your money will be gone before you know it. If the market’s hot, then you may unwittingly blow through a month’s budget in two weeks. That leaves the remaining two weeks open to your competition.

4. Visibility suffers.

Let’s say you’re solely dependent on paid Google Ads to get leads. But then something happens—a global pandemic or a health issue—that keeps you away from work for a while. Suddenly, you don’t have the revenue to spend on paid ads that you used to. Your visibility tanks to zero.

5. Untrusted.

Searchers simply don’t trust paid ads as much as organic search results. Searchers are becoming increasingly savvier and more skeptical. So, you’ll get fewer clicks on paid ads than you would have if you had an organic presence.

6. Requires optimization.

As we mentioned before, it’s easy to blow through your budget on PPC ads if you’re not paying attention. That’s why it’s critical to look at metrics and check ad performance regularly. You can always tweak a campaign to try to get it to perform better. But more often, the wheels fall off the bus while nobody’s looking.

7. Clicks don’t always convert.

Just because someone clicked on your ad doesn’t mean they’ll turn into a case lead. Clicks don’t always translate into customers. This can be frustrating when you look at your campaign results and see how many “conversions” you received. In general, paid ad clicks simply don’t convert as often as organic visitors.

8. Too much variability.

With shifting markets, changing budgets and bidding wars, the paid ad landscape is a nebulous enigma. You can never predict what others are bidding on and how big their budgets are. So, you never have much control over your market. Plus, you might be reaching people at different stages of their process to hire an attorney. This much unpredictability leads to inconsistency.

9. Inconsistent results.

It’s all too common to have inconsistent month-over-month results with paid ads. You might see 200 clicks on your ad in month one and get three case leads. But in month two, you may see 200 clicks and only one case lead. It’s extremely hard to pinpoint what caused the discrepancy. This is frustrating when you want to improve a campaign, but you don’t know what variable to change. Organic search, on the other hand, tends to produce a consistent amount of traffic and leads.

10. Unscrupulous SEM agencies.

There’s a reason why Google earns more than $130 billion in ad revenue. There are thousands of search engine marketing companies out there specializing in Google Ads (formerly Ad Words). These companies will build you as many SEM and PPC ad campaigns as you want, and they’ll take your money all day. They are simply feeding the Google beast. If they can convince you to invest a bunch of money in paid ads, then they can profit off the management fees. But that is just not how we operate.

Our Law Firm PPC Campaign Strategies

We have a vastly different philosophy from the Google Ads beast-feeders. We believe in organic first. Organic search has the best long-term benefit. Yes, organic search optimization is a little slower, but organic still should be the foundation of any digital marketing strategy.

Our approach to SEM is to use it for gap coverage. We sprinkle in Google Ads when you need guaranteed visibility or you want to test new markets. This SEM gap coverage method is far more budget-conscious and sustainable. And it results in better overall performance for your entire digital marketing strategy.

What We Pros Know

We understand how paid SEM and organic SEO work in tandem. If you have good organic visibility for a particular keyword and then you’re also bidding on that keyword, then you get a better quality score from Google Ads. This means you have relevant content for that keyword, and it lowers your cost per click. That’s because Google knows your website is related to what you’re advertising and you’re not spamming the market for business.

The Lawyer SEM and Law Firm PPC Experts

At eProphet Media, we have more than 15 years of experience helping attorneys improve their digital presence. Our clients’ success is all that matters, and it’s why they re-hire us year after year. Let us create a digital marketing strategy that includes the right mix of SEO, SEM and PPC for your unique business goals.

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